Thursday, October 3, 2013

Functional Dry Needling

Very excited to start the Kinetacore Functional Dry Needling course this weekend.

As some of you may know, I injured my back this year.  A lovely combination of working in flexion over my chiropractic table + CrossFit + skiing.  I could not bend forward, had radiating leg pain down the back of my right leg.....L5-S1 disc.  S**t.

As you can imagine, I am very particular with my chiropractic choice, and I chose to drive to Dillon, CO to see a very good friend of mine and an excellent chiropractor, Dr. Ivo Waerlop.  Dr. Waerlop was very well aware that I was unable to not work, nor did I want too.  Therefore, I needed to heal ASAP.  ASAP.

We focused on retraining my gluteals, getting my system to start responding to functional rehabilitation again and the kicker was the dry needling.  Dry needling basically is the insertion of a needle into a trigger point in the muscle.  (these are the painful knots you can feel in your muscles, reach up and touch the top of your probably have one, unfortunately).  The inserted needle will get a twich response wtih changes the length and tension of the muscle fibers.  This arouses the mechanoreceptors which sends large sensory afferent input to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.  This sensory input acts a gate for noxious stimuli or pain.  In other words,


We dry needled my quadratus lumborum, paraspinals, gluteals etc.  I cried.  It hurt!  Not to mention there was not only a physical pain component, but an emotional one as well. After the first treatment, I came home so sore, and told my husband Ivo's crazy and I'm not going up there anymore.  I pouted a bit, (a lot), and went to bed.

Woke up the next am, and went to brush my teeth, bent over the sink with NO pain.  I started laughing, called Ivo, and told him I'd see him soon.

I am happy to say that with the chiropractic adjustments I received, the exercise protocol and functional rehabiliation that I did religiously, and the dry needling, I did not miss any work, and I am back to the Type A, can't sit still, constantly moving, exercise fanatic that my drives my husband a bit crazy.

Just in time for ski season:):):)

I am so thrilled to bring functional dry needling to the clinic, it is going to be an incredible adjunct to our already successful treatment protocols.   This treatment is for patients suffering from acute or chronic pain syndromes, tight muscles, referral pain syndromes.  If you are in question, please come in for a consult and we can let you know if it is right for you.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Take responsiblity for your health today.


Dr. Conley

Chiropractor, Golden CO
Chiropractor, Idaho Springs CO

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ouch! I bet the needles were painful!!! (especially psychologically :(. ) But I'm glad the treatment healed you quick! :)
